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Mary Hunt Webb is an inspirational and motivational speaker. Mary's husband, Morris, is her prayer support, road manager, and technical expert. (You're viewing the fruit of his labors right now!) Together, the Webbs have traveled to many states to share encouragement and God's love.
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Dedicated Dads
Mary Hunt Webb
Posted Friday, May 31, 2024

This father possesses the skill of changing his son's diaper - a skill that many fathers of previous generations did not acquire. [Photographer: Doris Lin. Photo courtesy of Pixabay.com].
As my husband, Morris, and I awaited the birth of our son, my husband expressed his concern that he didn't know how to take care of a baby. I reminded him that he hadn't known how to ride a bicycle until he got on one and began to peddle.
He countered, "What if I do something wrong?"
I assured him, "Our baby won't know if you are doing anything wrong or not."
"I've never been around babies before," he said.
"That's all right," I told him. "Our baby has never been around a father before so you will be starting out on equal footing."
As I expected, Morris learned by doing. That initial period of bonding paid off. When I later had to go into the hospital as a result of bronchial pneumonia, Morris knew how to take care of our son, feed him, get him to the babysitter before going to work, and put him to bed at night. He even brought our child to the hospital so that I could see him during my convalescence.
As our son grew up, I was able to go visit my mother in another state and leave Morris to care for our boy because of the early bond they had formed.
With the same love that Morris and other earthly fathers have for their children, our Heavenly Father also has for us. Psalm 103:13 tells us that, "As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him." (NIV)
Fathers show their love for their children in many ways. Making time to spend with them and include them in their chores and daily activities is a way of demonstrating that love.

Fathers show their love for their children when they include them in the many things they do.. [Photographer: Hannah L. Myers. Photo courtesy of Pixabay.com].
Prayer: Dear Lord, thank you for the many ways that you show your love for us. I pray this in the name of Jesus, amen.
Psalm 103:13 — As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him. (NIV)

Children strive to be like their parents. It's up to parents to be good role models. [Photographer: Artur Skoniecki. Photo courtesy of Pixabay.com].