Hold Tight!
¡Agárrese Firmament!
Mary Hunt Webb
Posted Sunday, March 26, 2023

When we found small, broken eggshells in our backyard, we knew that baby birds were hatching in our trees. [Photographer: Lutz Peter. Photo courtesy of Pixabay.com.]
In the early months of most years, we often found small, broken eggshells in our backyard. Those discoveries made it clear that baby birds were hatching in the trees all around us, but we could not see birds' nests because of the many leaves on the branches. However, in 2013, a late frost delayed the development of leaves so that we could clearly see a mother bird serenely sitting on her nest high in the fruitless mulberry tree near our home.

We usually could not see bird's nests in trees, but one year's unusual weather enabled us to see one. [Photographer: Mary Hunt Webb*.]
As a retired meteorologist, my husband keeps a close eye on the weather through the information that he accesses on the Internet. When a fierce windstorm headed our way, he expressed concern that the strong winds might blow the mother bird and her eggs out of her nest.
I assured him that Mama Bird had carefully intertwined her nest around the tree branch when she built it. The material that she had used would hold together no matter what might happen. When winds blew, she would grasp the portions of the branch that extended through her nest and would hold onto them tightly with her feet. At the same time, she would gather her eggs closely together and would shelter them with her wings and her body.
Sure enough! Although the strong winds came and tossed the tree limbs violently about, Mama Bird was still in her nest after the windstorm had passed. Not long afterwards, we saw half of a very small broken eggshell on the ground beneath that tree. Although we could not see the baby birds, we heard high-pitched chirps indicating that there was new life among the limbs above us. The baby birds had hatched!

Although we could not see the baby birds in their nest, their high-pitched chirps told us they had hatched! [Photographer: Kvêta. Photo courtesy of Pixabay. com.]
Psalm 34:19 assures us that, "Many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivers him out of them all."(NKJV)
As happened that day, the windstorms of life will come and will continue to assault us. When they do, we must hold firm and hang on, just as that determined little mother bird demonstrated to us that day. Like that Mama Bird, we will not only survive, but will also thrive to hatch new phases in our lives.
Psalm 34:19 — Many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivers him out of them all. (New King James Version)
Salmos 34:19 — Muchas son las affliciones del justo, Pero de todas ellas le librará Jehová. (Reina-Valera 1960)

When we trust in the Lord, we not only survive, but we also thrive to hatch new phases in our lives. [Photographer: Shlomaster. Photo courtesy of Pixabay. com.]
* Please do not use our original photos without our permission. These include photos by Mary Hunt Webb, Morris Webb, Jr., Morris Webb, Sr., and C.B. Hunt. Thank you.