Cambie Ud. Sus Ansiedades en Oraciones
Mary Hunt Webb
Posted Sunday, July 31, 2022

With all that food and so many people, it's easy to see how there might be a shortage of utensils with which to eat. [Photographer: Conger Design. Photo courtesy of Pixabay.com.]
Months before the pandemic made us all germ conscious, my husband and I were at a potluck meal at our church when a retired nurse sat down next to me with her plate full of food.
"Forgive me if I eat the meat with my fingers," she said, "but there weren't any knives."
"I loaned mine to my husband," I told her. "I can go wash it off so that you can use it."
"That's okay," she responded. "As long as he didn't lick it, I'll use it."
When I gave it to her, she wiped it on her paper napkin. As she proceeded to cut her meat with it, I laughed. If a nurse wasn't worried about the transmission of germs, I wasn't going to worry, either.
When the pandemic related to Covid-19 made everyone germ-conscious, such gatherings were discontinued for such a long time that it seemed that they might become only pleasant memories. With the realization that life must go on, church potlucks, anniversary celebrations, and similar social events are slowly resuming. Reports of mutations of the virus have caused some people to worry about becoming ill so that they are fearful about participating in large social functions again. However, my husband and I take comfort in the assurances of the Bible. One such passage refers to the time when King Saul was pursuing David, the shepherd-turned-warrior, in order to kill David. At that time, David wrote, "I sought the LORD, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears." (Psalm 34:4, NIV).

In the same way that the Lord delivered David from his fears, He can do the same for you. [Photographer: DFNatureAwed. Photo courtesy of Stockvault.net].]
In situations that worry us or cause us to be fearful, we can pray a prayer such as this one: "Lord, You are in charge of my life and of the lives of my family and friends. Please be in control and keep us safe so that we are able to serve You. In the name of Jesus, amen."
When you are tempted to worry, turn that worry into a prayer. Praying is far more productive than worrying, and you may be amazed at what God will do!
Psalm 34:4 — I sought the LORD, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears. ( NIV)
Salmos 34:4 — Busqué a Jehová, y el me oyó, Y me libró de todos mis temores. (Reina-Valera 1960)

"I'm going to a potluck dinner at church. You'll be okay. I'll be back soon.". [Photographer: Jackie Lou DL. Photo courtesy of Pixabay.com.]