Refréscase los Propósitos de los Años Pasados
Mary Hunt Webb
Posted Friday, December 31, 2021

For many people, carrying a New Year's resolution to completion seems as dauntiing as climbing a staircase up the side of a steep rock. Consequently, they give up before they reach their goal. [Photographer: Simon. Photo courtesy of]
For many years, I refused to make New Year's resolutions because I felt that they were too prone to failure. I recognized that many people made them but then did not see them through to success.
Over time, however, I have come to realize that New Year's resolutions are nothing more than goals, and that I have been setting goals throughout my adult life. One such goal was to return to the university and obtain my master's degree after having spent years staying home to rear our son. Toward that end, I started taking classes in January, but I never considered that starting a degree program might be a New Year's resolution. Completing my studies for that degree and graduating took more than two years and seven months. Looking back, I realized that I had also started my undergraduate degree program in January as well.
Sometimes, pursuing a long-term goal requires several attempts before you can complete it. In some cases, it's because you didn't allow enough time to reach that goal. Some resolutions — such as saving money toward retirement or becoming proficient on a musical instrument or learning a foreign language or studying to obtain citizenship in another country — are multi-year goals. For some people, reading the Bible cover to cover may take more than a year.

Learning to play a musical instrument develops patience, perseverance, consistency, dedication, and organizational skills as well as a sense of rhythm and a fine ear. [Photographer: Brenda Geisse. Photo courtesy of]
In that respect, such goals are not unlike my plan for obtaining a diploma. That is because every plan for reaching a goal is an education of its own. As we pursue the end result, we develop strengthening characteristics, such as determination, perseverance, and organizational skills. It is during such times that we learn to rely on Bible verses such as Philippians 4:13, which asserts,"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." (NKJV).
The Apostle Paul knew what it was like to pursue seemingly impossible goals, but he also knew where his strength for doing so came from. His strength — and ours — comes from Christ Jesus. As long as we remember that, we will not falter or fail.
We can seek Him in a prayer such as this one:
Guiding Lord, thank You for enabling me to complete the goal You have set forth for me to obtain. In Your name I pray, amen.

When our goals seem impossible, we can seek help from Jesus Christ in prayer. [Photographer: Conger Design. Photo courtesy of]
Philippians 4:13 — I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. (NKJV)
Filipenses 4:13 — Todo lo puedo en Cristo que me fortalece. (Reina-Valera 1960)

There is no time like the present for pursuing the goal that the Lord has set before you. Just do it! [Photographer: Ooceey. Photo courtesy of]