Confiando en Jesús
Mary Hunt Webb
Posted Sunday, January 31, 2021

Like many of us at this point, this snail seems to be wondering, "How did I get here? And where do I go from here?" [Photographer: Iván Tamás. Photo courtesy of]
Who could have imagined in January 2020 that we would be where we are today, one year later? As we look back on the past year, it's clear that predictions for the future are futile. Since we couldn't see the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic back then, we certainly can't predict what is ahead, but some people are trying to do just that.

"Are you SURE we're going to be okay? How do you know that?" [Photographer: Doug Powell. Photo courtesy of]
I have heard dire predictions, such as, "It's always going to be like this! We'll always have to wear masks! The handshake is a thing of the past! We'll never get back to the normal we knew!"
But I have also heard positive comments at the other end of the spectrum from people that said confidently, "This won't last! We'll get back to normal eventually, and we'll be better and stronger for the experience!"
While we learn from our experiences, we don't remain in them. Instead, we move on. The past tells us that.
The memory of the pandemics of 1957 and 1968-69 has receded into the past to the extent that people today believe that those pandemics couldn't possibly have been as bad as this one. That's because the majority of people today weren't alive to experience either one of them. Those pandemics were bad, and people died, while other people had several relapses. I was one of those in 1957 that had five relapses of the Asian flu, but I survived it, as did many others. However, we didn't dwell on that. Instead, we moved on.
Colossians 2:6 advises, "And now just as you trusted Christ to save you, trust him, too, for each day's problems: live in vital union with him." (The Living Bible) And that's what we need to do this time. We must trust him each day to bring us through our current difficulties. He did it before, and He will do it again.

While our struggle may seem uphill at times, we can trust Christ to bring us through our difficulties in the same way that we trusted Him to save us from our sins. [Photographer: Marjon Besteman. Photo courtesy of]
Colossians 2:6 — And now just as you trusted Christ to save you, trust him, too, for each day's problems: live in vital union with him. (The Living Bible)
Colosenses 2:6 — Por tanto, de la manera que habéis recibdo al SeƱor Jesucristo, andad en él. (Reina-Valera 1960)

We can smile because we trust Jesus to take care of us. [Photographer: Spritze. Photo courtesy of]