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Mary Hunt Webb is an inspirational and motivational speaker. Mary's husband, Morris, is her prayer support, road manager, and technical expert. (You're viewing the fruit of his labors right now!) Together, the Webbs have traveled to many states to share encouragement and God's love.
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¡Es Bueno Mantenerse Ocupado Durante la Cuarentena!
Mary Hunt Webb
Posted Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Have you stayed at home so long that you're talking to inanimate objects? [Photographers: Peggy & Marco Lachmann-Anke. Photo courtesy of Pixabay.com.]
In case you are getting so tired of being cooped up and away from friends and activities you normally enjoy that you think you're going crazy, we thought we would share with you some upbeat and positive things to think about and do during this time of enforced isolation:
1. We are no longer receiving junk phone calls. Apparently, spam sweatshops have been closed down as being "non-essential". They always were non-essential, but now it's official.
2. Several people have called to check on us. It would be nice if this happened all the time, post-COVID-19, but we'll enjoy it while it lasts.
3. Just going to the post office adds adventure to the day.
4. We have all gained a new appreciation of toilet paper. Nobody uses it to decorate cars, trees or houses any more.
5. Porch pirates are having a tougher time stealing parcels left on doorsteps because so many people (and their neighbors) are at home with little to do but notice every movement around their home.

One can gain a new appreciation of nosy neighbors with nothing else to do but notice the comings and goings of those around them. [Photographer: Nightowl. Photo courtesy of Pixabay.com.]
6. Instead of ringing our doorbell and trying to share their false religion with us, we received a snail-mail letter from those same people advocating their belief system. That letter was easy to push through our handy-dandy shredder.
7. Involuntary hermits are reading books they always intended to read "some day". Newsflash: "Some day" is here!
8. Those same unintended hermits are watching videos that they had previously promised family members they would watch with them "later". This is what "later" looks like.
9. Now is the time to tend to those wardrobe items that have needed mending for a very long time. Yes, now! If you keep putting it off, your state's governor may keep extending the COVID-19 shutdown until you do!
10. You have a good excuse to make that recipe you always intended to try — especially if it's a recipe for cookies, coffeecake or other goodies.
11. While staring out your window, you may see some animals you have not observed before or have not seen recently. Although we have seen roadrunners from time to time, it does seem as though there are more of them around lately. We are glad we no longer live close to a mountain range because sometimes bears came into residential areas looking for food in trash cans.
12. You have a good reason for not accepting invitations you really didn't want to accept in the first place.
13. The Monster Truck Rallies have been cancelled all over the country. Awww!
14. There is no excuse for not cleaning out your closet/cupboard/file drawers, etc. You can sort your sock drawer and throw out the ones that have holes in them. Don't look at me; I already did mine!
15. I've noticed several women are giving their roots a rest from hair coloring.
16. Along that line, I'm giving my ears and neck a rest from wearing jewelry.
17. Many of us are exercising and getting out to walk more frequently because it gives us a good excuse to get out of our dwellings.

Take a camera along on your walk. You never know what startling discovery you might make, such as this painting of a young woman and her baby beside a real door. Had you fooled, didn't it?. [Photographer: Richard Mcall. Photo courtesy of Pixabay.com.]
18. We are using up paper plates and other picnic-related items we have kept in reserve for some time. Eating on the patio, deck, balcony or other outdoor space is a good excuse for getting out of the house – even if it's not very far "out".
19. We have time to water houseplants and trim their dead leaves.
20. Remember all those photos you shoved into a box? Put them into albums. You don't have to add cute little stickers and borders. Just shove them into an album with plastic sleeves. You can probably order those albums online.
21. Now is the time to finish those crafts we have set aside, such as woodworking, quilting, crocheting, knitting, sewing, etc. I'm crocheting a hat at the moment.
22. Fix a bicycle, oil that squeaky hinge, repair that drawer that doesn't close securely, or fix anything that you have been putting off.

If you don't repair that bike, someone else may get to it first! From the size of the hands, this child looks to be preschool age. [Photographer: Geigerni. Photo courtesy of Pixabay.com.]
23. Learn a skill you've always thought you would learn some day. Calligraphy? Painting? Learning a foreign language? That day has come.
24. Pick up that musical instrument that you abandoned years ago. Flute? Clarinet? Piano? Violin? Accordion? It will soothe your senses. Well, maybe not the accordion.
25. Write a newsy letter to a friend. Use an ink pen and real paper, and then put a stamp on it and mail it at the post office. Just like old times. It will be a good excuse to get out of the house to mail it, and you'll be so proud of yourself!
26. Polish those tarnished silver items that were given to you as presents. Now, doesn't that look nice?
27. Catch up on your laundry.
28. Work that jigsaw puzzle that's become dusty on the shelf or in the cupboard. Dust it off first.
29. Plant some seeds — flowers, vegetables, fruit. You can order them online if you don't have any ready to plant this year. Be sure and turn the sod over first.
30. Try to remember that you're saving money by not using breath mints, cologne, nail polish, or make-up. Staying home also saves money on fuel and air fares.
31. You probably won't have to spend your precious vacation time this year going to visit relatives in another state. That means you will probably miss eating Aunt Sally's Okra Casserole that she serves you every year.
32. None of us has to wear dress shoes just because they look nice – especially if they hurt.
33. Finally, you are still alive and so are we! That's reason to celebrate because, "This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it." (Psalm 118:24, KJV)
Psalm 118:24 — This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. (KJV)
Salmos 118:24 — Este es el día que hizo Jehová; Nos gozaremos y alegraremos en él. (Reina-Valera 1960)

This might be a good time to clean the spaces in which your animal friends live. [Photographer: Irina KuKuts. Photo courtesy of Pixabay.com.]