La Zozobra Es Labor
Mary Hunt Webb
Posted Wednesday, October 31, 2018

The Lighthouse on Kilauea Point on the coast of Kauai in Hawaii appears very large in comparison to the people standing next to it. [Photographer: Jared Davidson. Photo courtesy of Stockvault.net.]
My mother was a worrier. I must have picked up that habit from her because, in my youth, I worried about everything. I even worried about things that hadn't happened yet!
Since then, several events have helped to convince me that worry is useless. One of those was our visit to Kilauea Point on the coast of the island of Kauai in Hawaii where there is a lighthouse. Pointing 52 feet in the air, that lighthouse dwarfed us when we stood next to it. Later, I obtained a photo of the lighthouse that was taken from a distance off the coast. With the waves splashing up against the peninsula on which the structure stands, the lighthouse seems to be little more than a speck along Kauai's coast.

From a distance, the Kilauea Lighthouse looks like little more than a speck on Kauai's coast. [Photographer: Haviland Wright. Photo courtesy of Pixabay.]
Now, when problems or disputes occur and I am lying awake at night thinking about the latest difficulty, I try to remember that photo and imagine that is how God views my worries that seem so large in my life. The problems that seem enormous to me must seem miniscule to Him.
Through it all, I have learned that worry is unnecessary work. It accomplishes nothing on earth but, spiritually, it lets the Lord know that I am not trusting Him with the things that concern me. Instead of waiting for Him to answer my prayers, I have become impatient for His response.
James 1:4 addresses this when it says, "But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing." (NKJV) In other words, if we are patient and wait for God to answer us, then He will see to it that we have what we need so that worry is useless!

When we are patient and wait for God to answer us, then He will see to it that we have what we need.. [Photographer: DFNatureAwed. Photo courtesy of Stockvault.net.]
James 1:4 — 4) But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing." (NKJV)
Santiago 1:4 — 4) Mas tenga la paciencia su obra completa, para que seáis perfectos y cabales, sin que os falte cosa alguna. (Reina-Valera 1960)
Matthew 10:29 — 29) Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father's care. (NIV)
Mateo 10:29 — 29) ¿No se venden dos pajarillos por un cuarto? Con todo, ni uno de ellos cae a tierra sin vuestro Padre. (Reina-Valera 1960)

It is needless for us to worry because we are far more valuable to God than sparrows.. [Photographer: DFNatureAwed. Photo courtesy of Stockvault.net.]