Nadando en la Fe
By Mary Hunt Webb
Posted Friday, August 30, 2013

Swimming in a private pool felt strange. [Photographer: Ale Juse 2007. Photo courtesy of Stockvault.net]
I'll never forget the summer before I met my husband. I spent a lot of time with other young women my age. One of them was a redhead named Jacqueline, but we called her Jackie. When her uncle, aunt, and cousins went on vacation, they asked her to check on their house and to keep their swimming pool clean. Jackie asked me to accompany her one day. She told me to bring my swimsuit, and we would swim in their pool. It felt so strange for the two of us to swim in a private pool, and especially in one belonging to people I did not know! I could barely fathom what it was like to own and use a swimming pool for the private use of one's family.
Since then, I have met others that had their own swimming pools, and I have swum in them. I have come to the conclusion that swimming is not a private activity, but it is one that should be shared with others. Like eating at a restaurant, it is more enjoyable when several people participate.

Swimming is more enjoyable when people participate in it together. [Photographer: Damien Van Holten. Photo courtesy of Stockvault.net.]
Belief in the Savior is like that. It takes on more meaning when it is shared. Faith is very difficult to contain. Like love, faith spills out and flows to others. The Apostle Paul made reference to this abundance in 2 Corinthians 8:7 when he told the people of Corinth, "But as you abound in everything—in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in all diligence, and in your love for us—see that you abound in this grace also." (New King James Version)
I once read that, "Faith is always personal, but it is never private." When I hear someone say, "I don't talk about my beliefs: my faith is private," I wonder if they are really saying that they don't have enough faith to share.

Like love, faith should be shared. [Photographer: Joey Crowley. Photo courtesy of Stockvault.net.]
2 Corinthians 8:7 - "But as you abound in everything—in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in all diligence, and in your love for us—see that you abound in this grace also." (New King James Version)
2 Corintios 8:7 "Por tanto, como en todo abundáis, en fe, en palabra, en ciencia, en toda solicitud, y en vuestro amor para con nosotros, abundad también en esta gracia." (Reina-Valera 1960)

Faith always creates ripples. [Photographer: Joe Shannon. Photo courtesy of Stockvault.net.]