¡Una Sonrisa Está Siempre de Moda!
By Mary Hunt Webb
Posted Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The family that posted this mailbox outside their home demonstrated that no matter what the condition of the world may be, they are keeping their sense of humor. [Photographer: Mary Hunt Webb.]
It has been a tough winter, hasn't it? The weather has been difficult and the economy is not good. If we focus on the tragedies of the last few months, we could feel downhearted. There have always been evil people, and there always will be. We can pray for them as well as for those that suffer. We can also pray and ask the Lord if there is some positive action that we take. However, worry merely robs us of our strength.
It is not the problems we face that matter; it is the attitude with which we approach them that counts. The Bible counsels us in Proverbs 17:22 that, "A merry heart does good, like medicine, But a broken spirit dries the bones." Cheerfulness does not mean ignoring the world's problems but involves making a conscious decision to encourage other people. We can make it our mission to lift up those around us. When we do that, we become part of the solution instead of part of the problem.

At least they warned us before we entered the building! [Photographer: Mary Hunt Webb.]
Of course, there are always times when we must perform unpleasant tasks, but it is possible to perform them in such a way as to make them less painful. As an example, I have had two dentists who were upbeat. One was humorous while the other told interesting stories. I learned from them that bringing a positive attitude to a painful task makes the experience more tolerable for everyone.

Even a cautionary sign can bring a smile. [Photographer: Mary Hunt Webb.]
While an upbeat attitude in the presence of suffering may not make the pain go away, it will certainly make the pain easier to bear.
Proverbs 17:22 "A merry heart does good, like medicine, But a broken spirit dries the bones." (New King James Version)
Proverbios 17:22 "El corazón alegre constituye buen remedio; Mas el espíritu triste seca los huesos." (Reina-Valera 1960)

This fellow brings a smile to all that pass him. [Photographer: Mary Hunt Webb.]