Caminos Rectos - Salmos 23 - Parte 9
By Mary Hunt Webb
Posted Monday, June 18, 2012

For two weeks, I paddled around in Psalm 23:3, appearing quiet on the surface but working hard where no one could see. [Photographer: Ladislav Soukup, courtesy of]
Psalm 23:3 "He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness For His name's sake." (New King James Version)
Salmos 23:3 "me da nuevas fuerzas y me lleva por caminos rectos, haciendo honor a su nombre." (Dios Habla Hoy)
Like a duck, I have been paddling around in the not-so-clear waters of the third portion of Psalm 23:3. Having written about the first two parts of that verse in previous postings, I have been seeking a simple definition of the word "righteousness".
For years, I thought I had such a definition. When I regularly taught a Bible class to International students whose first languages were not English, I told them that "righteousness" meant "being in right standing with God." However, as I approached Psalm 23:3 recently to share it with you here, I began to wonder if my original definition was limited.
As I searched for the meaning of "righteousness" in the Bible, I could not find a clear, concise definition that fit all of the biblical situations in which that word appears. However, I was able to find a verse in Genesis that provides the first instance in the Bible where the word "righteousness" applies to a man's faith. That man was Abraham.
Although Abraham was a wealthy man with livestock, gold, silver, and hundreds of servants, he and his wife were childless and advanced in years. Their hope of ever having children was gone. Since they had no direct descendant to be their heir, Abraham anticipated that his wealth would go to his most esteemed servant, a man originally from Damascus.
In Genesis 15, God spoke to Abraham and told him not to be afraid. When Abraham spoke of his concern that he did not have a child to be his heir, God told him that he would not only have a child but that his descendants would be as numerous as the stars. Genesis 15:6 tells us of Abraham's response when it says, "And he believed in the LORD, and He accounted it to him for righteousness." (New King James Version)
The Amplified Bible more clearly states, "And he [Abram] believed in (trusted in, relied on, remained steadfast to) the Lord, and He counted it to him as righteousness (right standing with God)." (Genesis 15:6 from the Amplified Bible).
If we take our definition from that verse, we can conclude that "righteousness" means "complete trust in God and in what He says without regard to physical circumstances." Such trust is similar to that which sheep have in their shepherd.

Sheep tend to lose their focus when forage is available. [Photographer: Anne MacGregor, courtesy of]
Without a guide, sheep cannot stay on a path. The attraction of edible grasses, weeds and other forage leads them astray. Advancing from one tasty snack to the next, they lose sight of their destination. However, as long as they trust their shepherd and keep their eyes on him, sheep can walk in safety. (For ease in reading, I use the masculine pronouns to refer to owners of sheep although I am fully aware that many women raise sheep.)
Trust is at the core of Psalm 23:3 when it says, "He leads me in the paths of righteousness." As God's two-legged sheep, we must completely trust Him. Righteousness is the result of believing that He knows the direction we are to go and that He understands what is best for us. (If you missed the reference to "two-legged sheep," see the earlier posting, "My Shepherd" from March 2, 2012 in "Previous Posts" in the left side bar of this page.)
When Abraham believed the Lord's promise (in Genesis 15:6) rather than what he saw, God declared that was righteousness. Doubt cannot enter into our relationship with God because it will cause us to stray from following Him and will point us toward danger. The relationship of the owner to his sheep is most evident when he leads them along a narrow path. They follow him because they trust him.
Now that we have looked at why righteousness is important for us, we can venture on to the last part of Psalm 23:3. That portion declares that God, "leads us in the paths of righteousness for His name's sake". That sounds good, but what does it mean?
Think of earthly sheep ranchers. Although sheep ranching appears to be an isolated vocation, sheep-owners know each other and observe each other's practices. They know who provides the best pastures and the best medical care for their sheep. The appearance and health of sheep establish the reputations of their owners.
As the Shepherd of two-legged sheep, God has a reputation to maintain. Those of us that choose to trust Him are in His care. Our condition reflects that care because His reputation and His good name are at stake. That is what Psalm 23:3 means when it states that, "He leads us in the paths of righteousness for His name's sake."
Even if you are already one of God's followers, you may not have trusted Him as completely as you should. Like a sheep that takes its eyes off its owner, you may have looked at circumstances that surround you rather than focusing on Him. Turn your eyes back to God. Put all your trust in Him. Believe the Lord today, and He will guide you on the path He has for you. The path may not be clear to you, but it is clear to Him. Trust Him to guide you along that path.
No matter what you have done or where you have gone, He has never lost sight of you.
Bible Verses for this Posting
Psalm 23:3 "He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness For His name's sake." (New King James Version)
Salmos 23:3 "me da nuevas fuerzas y me lleva por caminos rectos, haciendo honor a su nombre." (Dios Habla Hoy)
Genesis 15:6 "And he believed in the LORD, and He accounted it to him for righteousness." (New King James Version)
Génesis 15:6 "Abrán creyó al Señor, y el Señor le concedió su amistad." (La Palabra [España y Hispanoamérica])
Dios Habla Hoy says, "El Señor dirige los pasos del hombrey lo pone en el camino que a él le agrada;"

Sometimes the path is difficult to see, like this one, but you can trust Him to show you the way. [Photographer: Berdnik Oleksander, courtesy of]
Psalm 23 – 1) The Lord is my shepherd. I shall not want. 2) He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters. 3) He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness For His name's sake. 4) Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; For You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. 5) You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; My cup runs over. 6) Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me All the days of my life; And I will dwell in the house of the LORD Forever." (New King James Version)
Salmos 23 – 1) El Señor es mi pastor; nada me falta. 2) En verdes praderas me hace descansar, a las aguas tranquilas me conduce, 3) me da nuevas fuerzas y me lleva por caminos rectos, haciendo honor a su nombre. 4) Aunque pase por el más oscuro de los valles, no temeré peligro alguno, porque tú, Señor, estás conmigo; tu vara y tu bastón me inspiran confianza. 5) Me has preparado un banquete ante los ojos de mis enemigos; has vertido perfume en mi cabeza, y has llenado mi copa a rebosar. 6) Tu bondad y tu amor me acompañan a lo largo de mis días, y en tu casa, oh Señor, por siempre viviré. (Dios Habla Hoy)