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Mary Hunt Webb is an inspirational and motivational speaker. Mary's husband, Morris, is her prayer support, road manager, and technical expert. (You're viewing the fruit of his labors right now!) Together, the Webbs have traveled to many states to share encouragement and God's love.
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No Es Un Accidente
By Mary Hunt Webb
Posted Saturday, November 5, 2011

Soldiers march through the Victory Arch during a parade in Wichita, Kansas, to mark the end of the Great War, later known as World War I. [Photographer unknown. Photo courtesy of the Wichita-Sedgwick County Historical Museum.]
To honor the Americans that fought in the First World War during 1917-18, President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed November 11 as Armistice Day. That's what my mother called it, even after it became known as Veterans Day in 1954 to honor those Americans that had fought in all wars.

Morris S. Webb, Sr. was stationed in the Aleutian Islands during World War II. [Photographer unknown.]
As Veterans Day approaches, I would like to tell you about Alfred Fields, a man that recently passed away at the age of 103 in Norman, Oklahoma, as reported in the October 21, 2011 edition of The Oklahoman. While he was in the Army during the Second World War, Mr. Fields became violently ill while his unit was in transit to Europe. His illness was so severe that he was sent to a hospital in France. Although he was supposed to join up with his unit later, that never happened. The rest of his unit perished or were taken captive during the Battle of the Bulge so that Mr. Fields became his unit's only survivor. After the war, Mr. Fields returned home to become a farmer, businessman, city councilman, grandfather, great-grandfather, and great-great-grandfather.

After the war, Mr. Fields returned home to plow his fields, run a business, and influence local politics. [Photographer: Edgar B. Smith, 1941. Photo courtesy of the Wichita, Kansas, Public Library.]
God had other plans for Mr. Fields as He does for you as well.
You may say, "Wait a minute! I never had such a narrow brush with death as Alfred Fields!"
How do you know you didn't? The fact that you are sitting there reading this account is testimony to your avoidance of traffic jams, head injuries, falling ladders, and any number of other tragedies that kill people every year.
Like the people that reported being late for work in New York City on September 11, 2001, and thus missed being in one of the Twin Towers that collapsed, you might have unknowingly escaped a car collision, a plane crash, a falling beam, or some other type of calamity that would have claimed your life.
You and I are testimonies to God's protection and guidance. None of us knows why some of us survive while others perish. Mr. Fields didn't know why he survived, but he made the most of the gift of life that was given him. I encourage you to do the same. Don't waste your precious time trying to figure out why you are here and others that were close to you are not. Accept that it is no accident that you are still alive, claim the gift of life, and use it for the glory of God.
After all, Christmas is coming!
Psalm 91:2) "I will say of the LORD, "He is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him I will trust." (New King James Version)
Salmos 91:2 "Diré yo a Jehová: Esperanza mía, y castillo mío; Mi Dios, en quien confiaré." (Reina-Valera 1960)

Merrill Webb, age 5, shows off the model train he received for Christmas. [Photographer: Morris S. Webb, Jr.]